All Major Reasons for Uneven or Excessive Tyre Wear

Tyre Lab
4 min readJan 9, 2024

Tyres play a huge role in getting us to our destination safely. We should take care of them like our vehicles, after all, whenever we drive, they also suffer a lot of harsh road conditions, be it dry, wet, uneven surfaces or icy. Sometimes Michelin Tyres Birmingham wear out before their intended lifespan and using them can be very risky. We blame the quality of such tyres but this is not the only reason behind it. Since tyres wear out prematurely, this can sometimes happen due to the driver’s carelessness and poor driving habits. In this blog, we have tried to explain to you why they become useless so quickly and what precautions we should take to avoid them.

What are the Causes of Outside and Inside Tyre Wear?

Tyre corners start wearing and we can say that this is one of the most common problems. This usually happens when tyres are not properly inflated. If you find that the Tyres Birmingham are worn out on the inside, you should inspect their outside edges as well. Did you know that under-inflated tyres deform the tread surface away from the road in the middle, resulting in side wear?

Pay attention to making sure that your tyres do not have any major or minor punctures, which will lead to constant air leakage and loss of air pressure in the tyres. If you find that you are frequently inflating your tyres, there is a strong possibility of a leak. Therefore, do not avoid checking the tyres regularly to ensure that there is nothing else stuck in them or there is no leakage that can allow air to escape.

Why are Tyres Wearing in the Centre?

If you notice that the tyre is more worn in the middle than at the edges, you should understand that this problem is caused by overinflation. This means that if tyres have more air pressure than required, the centre section will make more contact with the surface, causing that area to wear faster. When a tyre blows out, the reason behind this may be their overinflation.

Don’t think that you can fill the tyres as much as possible in one go so that you can avoid the hassle of pumping them for a long time. This will not benefit you but will hinder your work because in this way the tyre tread starts getting damaged. If you think there is any problem like tyre minor puncture or leakage, take your car to a trusted Michelin Tyres Birmingham garage. Fast charging and driving is not the solution to the problem.

Inspect the Tyre’s Health by 20p Coin

Adequate tyre depth is very important to have a good connection with the road. This depth has started decreasing with time. However, according to research by tyre experts, when this limit starts falling below 1.6 mm, the tyres become useless. Therefore, the government has banned the use of tyres of this depth. To understand the level of tread depth, you can also check it yourself using a 20p coin. If you insert a coin inside the groove of the tread and see that the outer band is not visible, it is a legally suitable tyre for use. But if the depth is not much enough to hide the outer band of the coin, it indicates that the tyres are over-worn and cannot meet the legal requirement. Such tyres should be removed from your vehicle.

Learn How to Check and Inspect the Conditions of Your Tyres

Even if the tyres are in bad condition from the outside, you should check them in every way. They should be checked by the following methods mentioned below:

Bald Tyres

Bald tyre is a condition of tyres when their tread is notably worn out. The tread is the part of the tyre that helps it grip the road and the better their health, the more reliable they will be in providing stopping distance. However, if you drive with a bald tread tyre, there is a risk of the vehicle slipping or skidding, causing the vehicle to take longer to stop when braking than with a healthy tread tyres Leamington Spa.

Bulged Tyre

If the sidewall of the tyre becomes weak, bulges start appearing in it. This happens due to many reasons like ignoring potholes and driving too fast on rough and bumpy roads. Bulging tyres can also be at risk of blowouts if they are not treated properly. Be careful when checking your tyres to make sure they don’t have any bulges. Pay attention not only to the outer edge but also to the other side.

Cracked and Wrinkled Tyres

If tyres suffer these difficulties, they should not be put into further use and think about changing them without wasting time. Do you know why we are talking about replacing them? Since cracks and tears, no matter how big or small, will negatively impact driving performance traction will be poor and will also delay braking. There is a high possibility that these types of Tyres Online Birmingham may blow out at any time.



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